Training schedule

Your schedule page provides visitors with a short overview of each course and lists the dates the course is scheduled to run next. Visitors can select their location to see only events in their area. If there are no dates running in their location, they can select “Register interest” and complete an enquiry form. Once there is enough interest, run the course.

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Robotic Surgery courses

Basic Robotic Surgery Skills Course

This one day course is aimed at surgical trainees and consultants who are new to robotic surgery. TGI is accredited for training by the RCSEng and RCSEd.

1 day

£595.00 excl. VAT

6 PD points

No dates scheduled

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Robotic Driving Licence

Aimed at ST7-8 and senior fellows who have direct clinical access to robots. The generic skills covered in this course will be useful for many specialties. Formative feedback will be offered throughout, with a series of summative assessments at the end of the course. £100 discount for ALSGBI members.

4 days

£1,400.00 excl. VAT

24 PD points

No dates scheduled

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BIARGS Advanced Robotic Gynaecology Surgery Course

Intensive 1 day cadaveric course covering complex robotic gynae surgery

1 day

£1,300.00 excl. VAT

6 PD points

No dates scheduled

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Observer BIARGS Advanced Robotic Gynae Surgery

Observation of advanced robotic gynae surgery procedures on human cadaveric specimens

1 day

£400.00 excl. VAT

6 PD points

No dates scheduled

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OMFS courses

Surgical repair of craniofacial trauma

This three day course is aimed at trainees and consultants with an interest in surgical management of craniofacial trauma

3 days

£1,250.00 excl. VAT

18 PD points

No dates scheduled

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London Flap Course (Observer)

Explores the basic anatomy and harvesting techniques for the most commonly used local, regional and free flaps used in Head and Neck surgery.

2 days

£150.00 excl. VAT

12 PD points

No dates scheduled

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Surgical repair of craniofacial trauma (Observer)

This 3 day course is aimed at surgical trainees and consultants with an interest in management of craniofacial trauma.

3 days

£200.00 excl. VAT

18 PD points

No dates scheduled

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London Free Flap Course

The London free Flap course is based at the Griffin institute at Northwick Park Hospital. It is run by the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery in conjunction with surgeons around the London area. This event explores the basic anatomy and harvesting techniques for the most commonly used local, regional and free flaps used in Head and Neck surgery.

2 days


No dates scheduled

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Introduction to Microsurgery

Three-day course aimed at surgical trainees (CT2 – ST4) with an interest in microsurgery skills.

3 days

£600.00 excl. VAT

18 PD points

No dates scheduled